Fast Film Reviews

A Single Man

PhotobucketStunning adaptation of Christopher Isherwood’s novel about how a college professor deals with the death of his longtime partner.  Director Tom Ford’s fashion designer roots are clearly evident in the style of the film.  The 60s are recreated not as they actually were, but as fashion magazines would have you remember them.  Cinematography, art direction, even music –  it all comes together to form a film in which any scene could be paused and printed as a beautifully composed photograph.  It is a brilliant choice because the pretty but empty facade actually emphasizes the void our protagonist feels in his own life.  Colin Firth presents him as a man that is both charismatic but destroyed.  It’s a difficult act to pull off, but he does it brilliantly.  His performance grounds the film and makes this an exquisite tale of love and loss.

2 Responses

  1. Seeing George (Colin Firth, in an award-worthy performance) and Julianne Moore together as a boozy 60s broad and her uptight but quietly unraveling college professor friend, I couldn’t help think if they ever remake WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? (1966) then they REALLY need to cast these two. As for a younger couple to emotionally eviscerate…why not the John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph from AWAY WE GO (2009) ?

  2. I know we are late view this but this was a great film, thanks to you review we finally checked it out and it was worth the wait.

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