Fast Film Reviews

The Young Victoria

PhotobucketPhotobucketOpulent romantic drama set during the 1830s about Queen Victoria, her accession to the throne and her relationship with Prince Albert.  The machinations of the court of England are captured in all their back-stabbing glory.  We as the audience feel an intimate look behind the scenes.  Emily Blunt has a commanding presence as the youthful ruler that draws you into her world.  She’s matched by a first rate cast that support her skillfully, particularly Rupert Friend as her suitor.  Their chemistry is a romance of the highest order.  Music, costumes, and sets are transcendent in recreating the look of the period, perfectly complementing the action.  Stately and well crafted, but never fussy.  This biography has life.

7 Responses

  1. This movie was wonderful. I swooned at the very end and proclaimed they just don’t make men like this anymore when Albert said: “you’re the only wife I’ve got or ever will have. You are my whole existence, and I will love you until my very last breath.” —thanks Mark for this. 🙂

    I had very high expectations of this movie. The title, The Young Victoria, to me, suggested that we’d be seeing not only how she wrestled her way out of her mother’s stronghold and how she fell in love with Albert, but also how she grew into her role and responsibilities. I felt that the latter was entirely omitted in lieu of the more commercially popular romance that they showcased beautifully. Like I said, I swooned. Rupert Friend is pretty eye candy indeed and Emily Blunt sure cleans up nicely as the last time I saw her was in Sunshine Cleaning Service with Amy Adams. I now understand the range Emily Blunt has, and have much respect for her.

    Very likeable film, but not one that will stick out in my mind at the end of the year as one of the best. It was well done, but will only have a tepid impact on my recollection as my memory fades over time.

  2. Sometimes, if not often, I disagree with even my favorite critics. Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott started hosting what used to be AT THE MOVIES with Ebert & Roeper a few months back and this is one of the recent films they reviewed at year’s end. They called it uncreative, unimaginative and “dull as dish-water.” Did we see the same film?!?

    1. Wow, that’s surprising. I realize that people can be divided over a film, but something like this seems so obviously good. I guess you can just chock it up to this old adage, “There’s no accounting for taste”. Glad you enjoyed it too.

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