Fast Film Reviews


Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 – Addendum

Once I’ve experienced a film, I will rarely watch it again for say another 5 years. It’s just that I feel 1.) they don’t hold the same joy of discovery the 2nd time around and 2.) there are simply too many other great movies I still have yet to see. But when Warner Bros. sent me a complimentary copy of Inception on Blu-ray, I knew this was an example of a flick that deserved a second examination. For one thing, Inception is sufficiently complex that an additional viewing actually helps in following the intricate narrative. But even more important, it’s a jaw dropping, visually impressive work of art. The quality of Blu-ray was made for productions like this.

Exhilarating science fiction about an “Extractor” that has the ability to glean information from people by infiltrating their dreams.  Intriguing idea is beautifully presented with one dazzling spectacle after another.  Any one individual scene would have been an accomplishment by itself.  Put them all together and you have a fully realized meditation on the exploration of the mind’s subconscious.  One particularly memorable fight sequence is an intricately choreographed pugilistic ballet of zero gravity and slow motion.  At times, the story which concerns corporate espionage can be somewhat difficult to follow.  Where does one dream end and another begin?  But the hypnotic visuals are so sensational and the editing so masterful, you really don’t care.  Indeed the last 30 minutes are so skillfully put together, you can scarcely breathe.  Actual location shooting (not CGI) in Morocco, Tokyo, and Fortress Mountain in Alberta, Canada is used to brilliant effect to heighten the viewer’s emotional attachment to the material.  This is a perfect marriage of intellect and action.  Director Christopher Nolan is a visionary and here is the proof.

11 Responses

  1. A phantasmagorical masterpiece with superior direction by Christopher Nolan, a stellar lead performance by Leonard DiCarpio and dream-cast of supporting actors. Everything works in in this extraordinary film, from the stunning cinematography to the amazing visual effects and action sequences. Hans Zimmer’s remarkable score is also quite memorable. The year’s best film so far!!!

  2. I’m not sure if I even have words to describe how much I loved this movie!
    The music, acting and special effects were all perfectly orchestrated together to produce a great great movie. I will go see it again.

  3. I must agree with both you & Ruben, I LOVED this film! I don’t know how Nolan does it, but he has a firm grasp of how to blend fantasy, action, drama & real emotion into a cohesive story that is awe inspiring. I would like to give props to all the actors for really bringing solid performances to this film; I was especially moved by a scene towards the end with Cillian Murphy. There must be something about Christopher Nolan’s direction that is able to extract the best possible result from an actor (it doesn’t hurt that he has really good actors). I will have no choice, but to purchase this film in the most deluxe format it comes in when it’s released to DVD. I can’t wait to see it again!

  4. I’ll have to wait one more week to watch INCEPTION, since it will open here on the the 23rd and that kills me, haha. The great reviews are getting me more excited each time. Nolan truly is one of the best working today.

  5. I agree, both international locations AND cast was used brilliantly. Marion never looked so ravishing. She was VERY effective in her role in the bigger picture of the film and I foresee a nom for her. So funny, just last weekend, I saw Belle de Jour, I think possibly the first film to attempt juxtoposition of the real and dream worlds and how it affects the actual psyche. This movie just took dreams to a whole high tech level. I also agree with your assessment of that graceful scene of gravity in the hotel corridor and elevator. Def a true marriage between intellect and action. I never knew an American film could deliver like this. CG was a bit dodgey though (the “interviewing” scene with Juno girl when they began to walk up into streets that folded upward), esp for a film with this kind of budget.

    1. I’ve never seen Belle de Jour, but I’m fascinated you would recall a film by Luis Buñuel when discussing a science fiction film such as this. I must see it now.

  6. Your reveiw said “At times , the story which concerns corporate espionage can be somewhat difficult to follow.” This is a huge understatment! I was engaged the whole time watching to see what would happen and trying to understand the story while following what dream level the characters were on. I really didn’t get this straight ’till the very end as the characters left one dream level after another. Exhilarating it is! Yes, there is one dazzling spectacle after another. And if action and chase scenes with great special effects are your cup of tea, you will love this film. But when the movie was over I felt exhausted as though I had been in one long, teriffic chase scene with little story. I would have liked some exploration of the morality of invading someones dream and I would have liked to have actually viewed how the results of that infiltration played out in the real world.

  7. Astounding effects and dizzying speculations aside, this film is an interesting commentary on the moral attitudes of the people who made it and of the power they wield over the audience through their movie-making skills. We — or most of us anyway — get cajoled into rooting for, or at least going along with, a bunch of people who have set out, in effect, to selectively lobotomize a guy through his dreams — not to save him from seizures or destructive behavior, mind you, but to get him to do something THEY want him to but that he wouldn’t choose to do on his own. Randle McMurphy, where are you when we need you?

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